Our Mission

Help our clients recognize their individual views of happiness and fulfillment so they can determine which personal expenditures and investments will further their progress toward those goals. Often people work with us to put issues into perspective and to make important decisions that require professional analysis. All of these areas are important to helping our clients work toward personal financial success.

Our Philosophy

We believe our clients are better served by an on-going relationship with a knowledgeable, trustworthy advisor than a commission-based compensation arrangement. We believe in working hard with individuals and families, helping them plan for their futures. We invest significant time with every one of our clients, learning about their dreams and their current financial situation.


Regarding the stock market. We are a financial planning and advisory service, not a broker. We do not believe in the concept of "hot" stocks or in seeking short-term returns from any investment. We reserve our research, analysis and trading efforts for our long-term planning and advisory clients. We believe in a team approach when it is required. When it is not possible for us to handle your problems alone, we will call in outside professionals and monitor the relationship to ensure that the work done on your behalf is of the highest standards.







Our Obligations to Our Clients

We are here to act as your fiduciary - treating our clients' money with the same care and prudence that we would treat our own. We will routinely make recommendations that we believe are best for our clients, even if it means less revenue to our firm. We have no allegiance to any company, product, or service beyond our belief in its ability to help our clients work toward their goals. We get to know our clients, their personal goals, their challenges around money, then tailor our recommendations so that they help our clients potentially achieve financial independence the way they define it. We treat financial information in strict confidence. We treat our clients with respect, professionalism, honesty, and maintain a nonjudgmental attitude toward the goals and information they present to us. We make sure we're available to our clients during business hours, by phone or in person.

We deliver important advice, even if it may create discomfort in the short-term. The people we work with prefer us to be honest whenever we encounter what seem to be unrealistic expectations, or a pattern of living beyond one's means, or a disconnect between stated goals and financial or purchase decisions. Recognizing our fiduciary responsibility to clients and the public. We will uphold the highest standards of care in the industry by espousing and practicing: objectivity, fairness, suitability, full disclosure, confidentiality, integrity, honesty, professionalism, competence, and regulatory compliance.

We believe in the value of financial planning and a full-service advisory relationship, and strive to build a trusted advisory relationship with all our clients over time. Successful people need and value all aspects of financial planning. They know that if any one of these areas is not examined before decisions are made, there is a real danger of making financial decisions that will conflict with their actual needs. That's where we come into play, we're here to help!